Hello. I cannot access asiaerotica.com after subscribing. This appears to be a scam?
Cannot access asiaerotica.com after subscribing
We do not represent affiliate partners or other websites. However, we CAN make sure that the affiliate system honors your subscription. You should have received an email from the partners with your affiliate privilege information. Did you check your email for that message? and did you register with the affiliate program or the affiliate website as well? If you did NOT then how can they honor your affiliate membership? The other systems would not know who you were and you would not have a secure, protected, personal account on their system. If you did NOT follow the affiliate registration directions then you need to do so. All affiliate members including Adventures in.Asia require paying subscribers to register in the individual site systems for security. All of the other subscribers have done so. Have you? If you have not can you tell us why not?
I cannot access asiaerotica.com. I paid using their sites and direct to adventure in asia link.
Please help solve this issue.
Please note sometimes the Vimeo notification system takes time to notify us and and affiliate site activations can take up to 24 hours. This is noted on our subscriber page.
If you have problems with a affiliate site benefit write us at
[email protected] and we will contact the Adventures Affiliate Network directly for you